The Fix-It-Forward program is Village Bicycle Cooperative’s primary philanthropic mission, providing fully repaired and safety checked bicycles to disadvantaged communities through our partner social service agencies. These bicycles are often the recipient's only mode of transportation, helping them hold jobs, get to school, or be introduced to the joy of bicycling!
Our social service partner agencies who receive completed bikes include the Salvation Army Cleveland West Park, the West Side Catholic Center, the City of Bay Village Community Services Department, the City of Westlake Police Department, the City of Lakewood Department of Human Services, and the Joseph House of Cleveland. These agencies verify a client's need for a bicycle, and further connect that client with other social service offerings that meet a variety of the client's needs. Another community partner to this program is the Ohio Chapter of American Academy of Pediatrics, which provides us with a yearly grant of children's helmets through their Put a Lid on It! Bike Helmet Safety Awareness campaign.
None of this would be possible without the tremendous effort and time donated by Village Bicycle Cooperative’s 100% volunteer force and the generosity of people throughout the region!
Each year we set a goal to outperform the previous year's total donations. To fulfill this mission, volunteers are always needed to help us check-in, refurbish, and deliver bikes. If you would like to volunteer, then please email Another way to help the program is through financial donations, which help fund the purchase of new locks, lights, and helmets that we distribute with these bikes.